
条件反射制御法の実施施設の認定|Official Accreditation: Our Firm Now Authorized for CRCT Implementation



We are proud to announce that our office has obtained certification as a recognized facility for implementing the Conditional Reflex Control Technique, widely known as CRCT. This powerful technique is instrumental in managing repetitive behaviors, ranging from drug abuse, drinking, gambling, and shoplifting, to unwelcome autonomic and mood states, such as panic disorder and reactive depression, as well as inappropriate patterned work behaviors.

At our firm, we actively leverage CRCT as a strategic tool to combat recidivism among suspects and defendants in criminal cases. Our commitment to using this innovative approach stems from its proven effectiveness in fostering positive behavioral changes and preventing relapses.

If you find yourself grappling with repetitive behaviors beyond your control, our seasoned experts are here to offer guidance and support. Do not hesitate to consult with us and embark on your journey toward behavioral transformation.